
My cat just dropped a LIVE lizard on my foot which proceeded to try and crawl up my pant leg to safety. After the ordeal was over she looked at me like this, the most guilty little face i’ve ever seen. I swear she is Satan in disquise 😂

Signs of a kitten owner

Meet our newly adopted 21 year old Vincenzo aka Vinnie. Wanted to give him a good last few years.

Can a cat even look at you with more love than this!?😭😭😍😍❤️❤️

Found on Facebook. Happy Birthday old man. You are so handsome!

The stray I’ve been feeding had a kitten. I captured them and cleaned them up. They have accepted a pampered life 🐈‍⬛💛

I draw realistic pet portraits!

What should I have named my cat? He already has a name but what do you think?

Cat teleports when scared

Cat checking out fake cat and then get spooked when it suddenly falls.

Oldest cat in the shelter, I couldn't let her spend the tail end (ha!) of her golden years in jail. Say hi to Weezy! I

Anyone else wake up to their cat staring. Think she might be plotting to murder me.

Please make sure the cats are startled. If you want to share a picture of your cat, do so in /r/Cats ....

Yeah, totally unexpected move

Picked up this cute stray who now needs a name and not something like “Smokey”.

Every morning at 6am she comes, put her nose to my neck and falls asleep..purring

"What's that thing!?"

Catosaurus Rex terrorizes smol cat

Please enjoy my cat’s large tail

Special Package


Startled Catfish?

My handsome boy

Just picked up this 8 week old little lady from a flea market for free. I was just looking for some throwing stars. Hit me with some name ideas!

Sshhhh! Don't blow his cover

Before and after being adopted. Meet our new boy Louie.

Just wanted to show the world my cat and his thumbs:)

Asshole Cat Needs a Name

My cat Mr. Noodles learning that fish are not friends

Found this little lady in my car engine. I heard meowing while I was going down the road so I stopped and was met with this adorable face. Still considering names- ideas ??

I've had her for about 7 months. This is the first time she has ever graced me with lap loves

Cat gets scared by cucumbers

Scaredy cat trying to learn to be brave.

Tried to rescue a cat stuck in our metal dumpster at work today.

His new favorite pastime is watching me wash dishes.

Scary foot

Here is my lovely cat whose name we cannot agree on

rest in peace little brother, hope you're having fun in heaven.

Scaredy Cat

Just a little startled

Double Jump


Found her shivering on the street, got her to the vet who said she‘s just extremely old and won‘t make it for much longer. :(

My Mush crossed the rainbow bridge today at 11 years old. He threw a clot and was paralyzed in his back legs. Doctor said we could save him for 5000 dollars and maybe 1 more year of life. This boy meant the world to me, he was my befriend and I hope you guys like him too.

She’s my princess

My moms cat is having a serious existential crisis.


My cat and her son. The only kitten in the litter to survive. These two are never apart.

Boys will be boys

Lost my girl Moustache unexpectedly to kidney failure a week ago. It still hurts.